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Toronto Psychotherapy - Cathy Eu

Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength

Finding your way

Turning inward is never easy.

I get it. It requires you to acknowledge both the light and shadow within. To turn full-face towards the mirror of self-reflection and to allow yourself to be seen, truly seen. It requires you to move boldly and courageously towards your innermost self, and to have faith that doing the deep work will be worth it. 

As a registered psychotherapist I view healing as a journey of self-discovery and increased awareness which takes one to a deeper place of self-understanding, self-compassion and greater mind-body-spirit connectedness.  My aim is to help you discover and fully step into your power and truth.

Cathy Eu - Toronto Healing Psychotherapy

I Believe

I believe you already have all of the inner wisdom necessary to navigate your healing journey. I view it as my sacred duty to help you access it. By serving as both a companion and a guide, I will support your ability to begin recognizing your innermost voice. The voice that truly knows the way. Through this process you will connect to your deepest self, and will ultimately find the healing you are seeking.

It's Within You

Exactly as you are. Even when the world tells you otherwise. Even when you tell yourself otherwise. Therapy isn’t a process that seeks to make you better, different, or more enough. Therapy is a process that leads you inside yourself, with the destination being increased understanding and self-acceptance. Therapy will support your ability to recognize yourself as perfectly imperfect, deeply human, and inherently whole.

Toronto Healing and Therapist
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Creating safe and compassionate space to facilitate growth, awareness, self-healing.

© 2021, Cathy Eu, Registered Psychotherapist , BSc  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Based in Toronto. ON.

 Website Design & Branding by Merchant Studios

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